“Clothes mean nothing until someone lives in them” – Marc Jacobs
People truly give clothes meaning, and I believe having intentionality about organizing clothing can be hugely beneficial. My closet is not perfect, but it sure feels good. I am definitely not a fashion guru, but I do know what clothes give me positive vibes. As a breastfeeding mom of two, my body has changed dramatically over the last four years, which has given me the opportunity to frequently adjust my wardrobe. Also, my daughters grow so quickly I need to upsize their clothing about once a month. In the process, I have learned to organize clothing efficiently while highlighting favorite things (a common theme in my “Meg-sense” organizing style).
I believe clothing should be comfortable while helping people look and feel great. In the most basic terms, clothing is a tool we use to adapt to our environments. And just like any good tool, clothing needs to be clean and easy to access to best serve its purpose.
Marie Kondo’s ideas about clothing have helped me in many ways. I embrace her thoughts about vertical storage in my dresser to make things more visible. I also like the concept of touching clothes and sometimes trying them on (or wearing them awhile) to help decide if they bring joy. Lastly, I like how Marie Kondo thanks clothing, before giving it away, for its contributions.I do deviate from the Konmari method when it comes to folding. I find her folding style tedious and somewhat unnecessary. Maybe if we had designer clothing, I would fold my socks gently… Until then, I will unapologetically ball up my socks and throw them in the drawer. Seriously, I can’t imagine my socks will ever suffer from stretched out ankles before they have holy bottoms. Anyways, enough about folding!
Here Is What I Do About Clothes:
Consider Color: Based on your skin tone and hair hue, you will find certain colors work better than others. Notice what color feels the best. What colors complement you??? With my pale pinkish skin and brown/red hair, I avoid red, orange, yellow, green, gray, and black clothing. I gravitate towards apparel that is blue, indigo, violet, navy, and pink. I use my favorite colors to help decide what clothing is worth keeping or buying. I oftentimes forgo a purchase simply because the fabric is the wrong color.
Focus on Favorites: I wear my favorite clothes ALL. THE. TIME. It’s like using the good china for pizza night… why not??? You only live once. Today is all we have, so why not feel amazing about ALL your clothes? When I spend the day wearing a “bummer item” (something I notice makes me feel sad) I take it off and give it away. No use keeping mediocre things!
Let Go of “Just in Case” Clothes: Trust me, the bridesmaid dress won’t work again, and the ugly sweater won’t be nearly as funny after years of storage. Thrift stores are made for “just in case” moments, so use them! I have stopped apologizing for getting rid of clothes and started embracing a closet full of clothes I wear. Shoot, I even had my wedding dress made into a Christmas tree skirt!

Have a Limited “Goal/Maybe” Exception: If you truly believe (or maybe know- shout out to my pregnant friends) you will change sizes soon; I recommend keeping only absolute favorite items in your past/future sizes. I sincerely believe there is power in getting rid of clothes that are too big or uncomfortable for some reason. I very rarely regret letting go of this questionable apparel. Occasionally (truly an exception), I give clothing the “maybe test”, where I put things in the donation bin for a while before giving them away. This allows me to retrieve anything I change my mind about.
Embrace Easy Folding & Hanging: I think folding pants is easy, so I fold them and put them in horizontal stacks. I like to hang my shirts, because I hate folding them. I think utilizing vertical stacking in drawers is smart and drawer dividers can neaten things up. As previously mentioned, I ball up my socks. I find folding women’s underwear ridiculous, so I basically toss it in the drawer organizer. The point is, do what works for you!
Finally, a quote to inspire you from Mother Theresa, “The more you have, the more you are occupied. The less you have, the more you are free.”
I hope you find more freedom in highlighting you favorite clothing and letting go of the rest!
Love Always,